This blog outlines some key points to accurately represent your resume in an interview.


Picture this: you’ve researched and applied for numerous jobs, finally landed that all-important interview, and five minutes in, the hiring manager has asked that common question – “Can you walk me through your resume?”

When an interviewer asks you to talk them through your CV, what they are really asking you to do is bring the black and white document in front of them to life by explaining which experiences in your work history prove that you are suitable for the role at hand.

Given the likelihood of a question along these lines coming up in an interview, it’s important you plan how you will go about communicating the skills and experience listed on your resume that reflect your suitability for the new role, and provide the interviewer with the right information to make a decision in your favour.

Read on below as we outline a few key things to keep in mind as you prepare for your next interview!

  • Work in chronological order

When talking through your resume, it’s important to pick a good starting point and work through your relevant experience chronologically from there. Typically, a good starting point may be your last place of higher education, TAFE, or apprenticeship, through to your most recent work role. As you talk through your experience, try and tell a story about how each role led to the next and the relevant skills and knowledge you gained along the way.

  • Be selective on what to skim over

Upon interviewing for a new job, it’s likely that some of your skills and experience will be more relevant to the new role than others. As you prepare for your interview, make sure to identify the sections of your work history and study that aren’t particularly relevant so that you can skim over these more quickly and focus on your more relevant information. 

  • Know what to emphasise

Just as some of your past experience may not be as relevant to the role you’re interviewing for, it’s crucial to identify your skills and experience that are directly relevant so you can focus on highlighting these aspects of your work history. For these experiences, you can take the time to give a brief overview of the role and the responsibilities you had which relate to the new job you’ve applied for.

  • Explain any gaps

While there is nothing wrong with having gaps in your resume, it is important to briefly touch on how you filled the time constructively. For example, if you took several months off to go travelling, you could explain how you used this period to build your cultural awareness and independence before you looked for your next role. 

  • Keep it concise and accurate

Lastly, as you recount your work experience it is important to remain concise and methodically work your way through in a couple of minutes without rambling on or going into too much unnecessary detail. It’s also important to ensure you get your facts straight and that what you’re saying matches up to the information on your resume and job application, so there are no inconsistencies that may raise questions in the mind of the interviewer.


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