The team at Workforce Extensions is proud to launch their new and improved website. The new look is a long time coming and has been built in line with the refreshed brand appearance. As well as enhancing the performance via the newest technologies, the website has been built on the back of an extensive engagement program with the franchised network, ensuring that our offering meets the needs of our customers and their customers and clients.

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Strategies for Hiring Great Employees
Aside from handing over your recruitment needs to our expert Workforce Extensions offices, there are a number of key considerations to keep in mind when you are hiring to help ensure you are able to recruit the top talent. While technology makes it easier
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How to Accurately Represent your Resume in an Interview
Picture this: you’ve researched and applied for numerous jobs, finally landed that all-important interview, and five minutes in, the hiring manager has asked that common question – “Can you walk me through your resume?” When an interviewer asks
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How to Find Seasonal Employees
For many businesses, seasonal employees play a crucial role in filling staffing needs year-on-year. During peak times or busy periods across the calendar, turning to seasonal employees can provide an effective hiring method to easily scale staff up and down
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