This blog provides an overview of some of the most in-demand job types in Australia moving forward.


There’s no doubt that Australia’s employment landscape is constantly evolving, driven by technological advancements, changing industry requirements and demographic shifts. However, as the country transitions back to more of a sense of normality following wide-ranging employment shut-downs over the pandemic, many sectors are in the midst of a ‘hiring-boom’ as they aim to fill many of the roles that were previously laid off or are anticipated to be in need moving forward.

If you are a current job-hunter, it’s crucial to be aware of the types of jobs and the industries that are in high demand in Australia both now and into the future in order to proactively equip yourself with the skills and experience that will lead to your best chance of finding employment. 

Below, we outline just some of the jobs and industry sectors that are expected to be most in-demand moving forward so you can keep them in mind as you embark on your next job search!

  • Construction Workers and Managers

  • Engineering and Building Professionals

  • Electricians and Tradespeople

  • Chefs and Food Service Professionals

  • Registered Nurses

  • Aged and Disabled Care Workers

  • Childcare Workers

While these are just a few of the specific job types that are expected to be in high-demand over the next few years, it is good to note the type of industries these jobs fall in as there is likely to be corresponding demand for other similar roles across these industries. 

The blue collar sector should continue to see strong demand for employment across a range of roles, with ongoing population growth and expanding infrastructure needs continuing to lead to a high number of job opportunities in the industry.

Meanwhile, Australia’s ageing population will continue to drive demand for healthcare professionals, where various health roles will offer significant employment opportunities. Nursing, a vital profession in the healthcare sector, is also expected to remain in high demand with skilled nurses in areas such as critical care, aged care and mental health to be much sought-after.

Are you looking for a job opportunity in a new industry?

With roles in over 15 industries all around the country, our Workforce Extensions recruitment teams are always on hand to help place you in your dream job. Click here to get in touch with your local office and start the conversation today.

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