This blog outlines the benefits of recruitment agencies in helping you find employment.


With extensive professional networks and exclusive access to new job ads, recruitment agencies can help provide job seekers with a range of advantages they may not otherwise have access to as they go about the process of trying to find new employment.

If you are struggling to enter the job market, looking for a role change or a step-up in your career, getting in touch with a local recruitment agency such as Workforce Extensions may be the best choice you could possibly make to boost your chances of landing that dream role.

Read on below to check out some of the key benefits of utilising a recruitment agency to help you find employment or work towards your career goals.

It’s free!

Perhaps the biggest benefit about using a recruitment agency to help you find a job is that you don’t have to pay! Especially for those who may be in between jobs or lacking a strong income, having a recruitment agency in your corner assisting you while not having to pay for their services can be a major leg up.

Save time

We all know that looking for a job is a very time-consuming exercise. From searching the job market to researching the company and putting in applications, your days can go before you know it. Recruitment agencies allow you to outsource a lot of that time and energy to them, where they can take over a lot of the grunt work for you and greatly free up your time.

Get matched to the right role

Given that it’s in both party’s best interest to help find you a suitable job, recruitment agencies work closely with you to understand your skills and experience and match you with a role that’s just right. Agencies are able to take advantage of their professional networks to scan the job landscape for the best role available based on the information you’ve provided.

Access hidden job markets

In today’s job market, many available roles are never advertised to the public and are filled directly through recruitment agencies. By partnering with a recruitment agency, you will automatically gain access to many more roles with far less applicants in the pool.

Receive ongoing support

Even once you’ve found that dream job, the support from recruitment agencies doesn’t end there! Good recruitment agencies will continue to check-in with you even while you are employed, and are always there to offer assistance again when it comes time to find your next role. 

Are you struggling to find that next dream role?

With offices all around the country, our Workforce Extensions recruitment teams offer all of the above benefits to help you on your job search. Click here to get in touch with your local office and start the conversation today.

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